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Abstract Format and Content

  • All mandatory fields must be filled out.

  • No tables (spreadsheets) accepted.

  • Abstracts must not exceed 1750 characters (including spaces). The system will informyou if you exceed the word limit.

  • Describe the objectives and results of the research in the abstract so that the Abstract

  • Reviewing Committee can evaluate the quality and completeness of the project.

  • Please proofread for English and content errors.

  • Structure the abstract in four sections with the following headers:

  • Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.

  • Individuals may be the first author of more than one abstract.

  • List no more than 12 individual authors for each abstract. 

Conference Poster Print Guidelines

  • Posters must be on A4 size paper (ca. 841 x 1,189 mm).

  • Posters must be designed and presented VERTICALLY. Posters designed horizontally will not be accepted or will be disqualified.

  • The conference name/ logo must be used in accordance

  • You or your co-authors are responsible for affixing your poster to the panels provided at the conference centre. Poster strips will be provided. Each poster panel will be labelled with a number, you will be informed about the number of your poster board before the conference. At least one author must be present during the poster viewing to explain your work and answer questions. A major advantage of this type of presentation is the exchange fostered between investigators.

  • The poster should contain the title of the corresponding paper, the authors, institution and the institution’s location.

  • Avoid colour combinations which are difficult to read.

  • The aims of the study, the question to be asked or the hypothesis to be tested should be clearly and succinctly stated (in as few words as possible).

  • Briefly outline your methods. Provide details only for new methods or important modifications of older ones.

  • The conclusions should be succinctly stated in large type. Many attendees read this first, hence it should be easy to understand.

  • Please remove and take your poster with you at the end of the conference. The organizers will not keep or forward forgotten posters to any presenter.

International Congress on Culture, Civilization and Social Sciences


Institute of Economic Development and Social Research

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